Linkbynet, a French specialist in outsourcing and Cloud services, experienced a strong economic growth in Asia, supported by the opening of its subsidiary in Hong Kong and Vietnam at the end of 2014

Results which heighten its expansion strategy: € 1million turnover for 2015, 50 employees, more than 20 key accounts and significant partnerships.

 Linkbynet, specialist in critical applications outsourcing and Cloud services, has succeeded in making a name for itself in less than a year in Asia. The quality of service and customer support are at the heart of Linkbynet strategy, it results in the approach "Follow the sun " (24/7) , a concrete approach that meets customer needs based on their developments. Driven by increasingly frequent support request from its international customers, Linkbynet opened a subsidiary in Hong Kong, and a technical antenna in Vietnam late 2014.

And the results are encouraging! Barely a year after its implantation, Linkbynet East Asia managed € 1million turnover in 2015 and already has 50 employees as well as 20 customers across Hong Kong, China, Japan and Vietnam.

Riding on this success, Linkbynet has ambitious targets for 2016 with the opening of new subsidiaries, particularly in Singapore and Shanghai and wants to increase its turnover by 3 on the next fiscal year.

"French companies really want to develop more and more in Asia-Pacific region and China but this requires great technical skills that their on-site subsidiaries do not necessarily have. We are seen as an ideal partner: we master the technical part, we speak French and our approach has already proven itself in France ", explain Benjamin Detroye, Director if Linkbynet East Asia.

Significant partners…

To assist in the conquest of the Asian market, Linkbynet relied on its historical partners (Microsoft, Amazon), but was also able to build partnerships with some local players including the leader of the public cloud in China; AliCloud, subsidiary of Alibaba.

Linkbynet is the first international outsourcer to have joined the program AliCloud global partners, called MAP and already uses its infrastructure for some customers in the region.

…and valued key accounts

More than 20 key accounts have trusted Linkbynet Asia, including the heavyweight mass retailer Auchan.

At the end of June 2015, AuchanSuper subsidiary that manages the activity of the Auchan supermarket group, took over the operation of two supermarkets in the area of Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) under the brand Simply Mart.

Without a dedicated IT department based on site, AuchanSuper has chosen the path of total outsourcing to the cloud and turned to Linkbynet to accompany him in this endeavor. In addition to its outsourcing and Cloud services expertise, the 24/7 approach and presence in Asia since 2014, have been decisive elements. In less than six months, Linkbynet deployed the whole information system required for the smooth functioning of the stores.Today, 7 projects are managed in parallel on some forty outsourced Azure servers, these include the ERP METI migration on Azure, the HRIS project start-up or the replication of e-commerce servers in Azure cloud.

"By winning the trust of international customers and forging strong partnerships with the local actors particularly AliCloud, we successfully conducted this first year! The Southeast Asian market has a high development potential, we are proud of the 2015 results which confirm our strategy. Customer relationship and the expertise of our technical teams are at the core of this success", adds Benjamin Detroye, Director of Linkbynet East Asia.

Delphine FAISANT

Communication officer , LINKBYNET


Founded on 1 April 2000 in Saint- Denis (France) by two brothers, Patrick and Stéphane Aisenberg, LINKBYNET is a major player in the field of outsourcing of cloud services, web e-Business and Information Systems. Since 2013, LINKBYNET is also positioned as Cloud Service Broker to better assist companies in their migration to the cloud. The company is hence developing various specific value-added services so as to meet these new needs.


Headquarters- 5-9 rue de l'Industrie 93200 Saint-Denis FRANCE
